Sunday, October 19, 2014

Memories in the Making

In September, we were able to take such an amazing little trip with both sets of grandparents. My parents (Nonnie and Papa) were wanting to go to a lake somewhere where we could all just hang out and spend time on the boat before it got to cold to ski and such. (It was still pretty chilly. It sucked every ounce of air out of my body when I jumped in to put my skis on. ) Anyhow, the house they ended up renting had five bedrooms so they wanted Nolan's parents (grandma and grandpa)  to join us. It was SO much fun. Hands down one of my favorite trips. My parents went up on a Wednesday and we hopped in the car with Nolan's parents and went up Thursday night. We got the kids headphones to go with the DVD player and thought they would love it and we could talk without cartoons playing. It backfired however because both children talked to us like we were 5 miles away and told us at the top of their lungs what was happening. Kenlee would then sing all the songs but without really knowing the words... it was hilarious and wearing. 

The boys brought in all the luggage, while the kiddos ran around exploring.

So this place was so magical, certainly mainly because of the people, but those rails.... I am positive they are not to code.With a certain little mister of mine.. terrifying. (Can you tell he is already trying to climb?) 

 Nolan's precious parents early the next morning. 

The mornings were so relaxing and nice. It was cool, so we could wrap up in blankets and sit on the patio sipping coffee together and enjoying the outside. 

 (Or in Nonnie's case, wrangling the wild one from toppling over the side, jumping off the patio and climbing up the roof.)
 Loves his Grandpa!

 Grandma's attempt at a silly face.

 Baking with Nonnie

 A "beautiful sparkle" (in Kenlee's words) fell off of Kenlee's shoe and Papa was trying to repair it for her.

 Working puzzles on the patio.
 Meal Making

 Grumpy little boy. 

 Grandpa coloring and writing everything Kenlee asked him to. 

 Cinnamon apples. Yum


 Between the two, everyone is smiling a looking. I love these pictures because these were some of my favorite moments. Eating all together. Great food, the very best company. 
 The boys cleaned up.

 Nonnie got attacked in the "fort" and then became the tickle monster.

That night, I made all of us have game night while the kiddos snuggled and watched Monsters Inc.  Nolan's dad was less than thrilled but oh my oh my the memories that were made. We were crying laughing with the answers that were given. Nolan's mom was a hoot. My mom had ridiculous (some may say creative) answers and should not have won, but for whatever reason, everyone was on her side. (Love you mom ;-)  My parents played too, but for some reason I was focused on Nolan's dad for the pictures because it is a rare occurrence for him to play board games.

Mornings. *Swoon*

 Made even better by french toast casserole/ the smell of french toast casserole baking.

 My beautiful mom on the way to the craft fair. (Again, my poor family only went for me. My dad and husband were especially ... not enthused, but great sports.) 

 All that walking wore my little guy out and Kenlee was sad that he would be sitting in the chair all alone, so she brought him some friends. He chunked them off when he woke up, and that led to a whole different problem. 

MOVIE NIGHT!!! Everyone piled in the living room to watch Despicable Me.

 All my boys

 Mmmm breakfast. All together. Family. Love. 

 Our entry in the guest book.

 Using my kids to try and set up for one last family picture. Clearly, Emerson is loving it.

 Mommy makes it better

 Another favorite


 Sweet moment.

 More realistic moment. 

So thankful for these days, for these moments.