Friday, August 23, 2013

Strange, but true....

      The day Nolan and I were married really was the beginning of my happiest of days. He is my best friend, my partner in adventures, the father of my beautiful children, and the only person I can imagine sharing all of my days and memories with. I cannot express what a happy day our wedding was for me. 

      After the pots and pans, towels and sheets, pictures and books had found their places in our tiny 500 square foot (fabulously fun and wonderful) apartment, my wedding dress had not. Back to my parents house it went. I remember thinking it was a shame that you only wear it for one day and then it is stored for....??? Right then I decided I am going to wear it every year!! Every anniversary I would wear it, if only for a little bit, even if it was just to vacuum, to have dinner, watch TV or any part of our everyday extraordinary life. So I kid you not, every year I put the dress, the shoes, the veil and the earnings on that I so cherish from our day and we take a quick picture of what is new to our life. I really feel like it is a moment to look at what all has happened in our lives and say a prayer of thankfulness. (And a great way to remind myself that although my body is different 6 years and two children later I consider it a feat to fit  squeeze back in to it!) 

Wedding day

First Year
First apartment

Second year
Second apartment
First Dog

 Third year
First House
First baby!!!

 Fourth Year
Almost one year old

Fifth Year
Second baby!!
Two year old!!

 (Playing dress up)
 Sixth year
Three year old
One year old
More dress up!

(real life!)


What a life. What Joy. - Christina

Tuesday, August 20, 2013

So it Begins...

Well, I finally decided to start blogging. I have started a few times and never finish, but it is time! So much is changing in our lives and I desperately want to keep up and document the memories. I will go back soon and add pictures of recent summer events, but I must start where we are now and truck along or I will stay behind! 

Today was a very big day for our sweet Kenlee. It was her first day of dance. (How is she old enough for this?!?)
 It was hard to keep her still enough to take the picture. She just wanted to show me dance moves
 Her sweet, sweet teacher Hannah and her little classmates.
 We were so shocked that she did EVERYTHING the teacher asked her to do. She is very shy and cautious but blossoms when dancing. Not in the "my kid goes nuts and jumps around" kind of way but in a very very sweet "I love to dance" kind of way. I realize she is three, and I am not implying she is an advanced dancer, or that she is any better than any other three year old. It just makes her happy and confident and we love to see it!!

So proud of out little ballerina- Mommy, Daddy and Emerson